
Ceased trading. I moved back home to the West Midlands but this time to South Shropshire.

For Reading / Henley on Thames areas. You might want to contact: Mike West (like myself, ex Sonning Common Electrical), phone number is 07540222655 for washing machine, dishwashers, tumble dryers and ovens/cookers. UPDATE 18/04/2024. Mike will cease trading around early June 2024, he too saw the attraction of retirement. Steve Edwards phone number is 07831248395 for fridges and microwaves, not overly sure when he will retire but I will no doubt will be informed in due course. These were the only two blokes I can recommend but like myself they are both circ mid 60s and Mike has confirmed calling it a day soon; life is too short!

All this above info will be deleted on 1st June 2024, but no great loss as historically few could be bothered ever read this site in anycase despite 10000+ flyers with the website address and also on receipts. And if they had they would have noted that I was working straight through the Pandemic having had no choice: no magic money tree for me, no self employed grant either and looking back I could not take Tory (nor Labour, Libdem if that was the case) hand outs anyway as I mistrust the lot of them (only tempered for my absolute loathing for Chinese Communist Party). I ended up moving to Shropshire, bought a nicer but slightly smaller house and I washed my hands of the crazy trade completely and I am now retired to do all the things I had neglected over my, in total, 40 year busy fun packed career (only a touch of sarcasm there!). I have a very low opinion of the appliance trade as a whole and always did have post 2005; so nothing changed there!

On a happier note. Andy is now often found in Ludlow library pondering The Times Newspaper, as a volunteer at the Archaeological Museum Lab and chasing around as a Hands Together Charity Volunteer. The resumption of fishing (restarts in June) and on various country walks (there must be a pub stop nearby surely?) and gemmological stuff – revisited seriously after a 45 year break. Methodist Church on Sunday mornings – I get to sing (God help us all), I also see where a lot of the famous acts of today get their tunes from especially in Folk music, and that is not a criticism it is just a readaptation of often very old hymm tunes!

Thanks to all Reading and Henley on Thames area residents for your past custom, spreading the word about, the nice reviews over my final last 11 years but it was becoming evidently pointless carrying on by late 2022 (actually in all honesty by late 2021) as so many customers had ditched the business and I was also tied up with the ill, and as things morphed into the decending disaster it became, people dying in early to mid 2022 – the year of 5 funerals of which none were, surprisingly, due to Covid: 3 due to old age (1 my dad, mom died in 2015) and 2 by sheer bad luck, cancer and a fatal heart attack. Typically after my move in late January 2023 the phone did not stop ringing, sadly folk were all too late as I had moved on, even worse people will now have to pay, no doubt, seriously over inflated Henley repair rates – due to a touch of the infamous Thames Valley Area Fleecing Brigade, still, what do you expect due to the ridiculous price of housing, there again on the other hand I could afford to move to Shropshire with a chunk of change left over but could never afford it in reverse.  S. Shropshire offers much less career adventsures and that is of course the reason why.

And so on that rather last grim paragraph note, I can only wish the very best of luck and good health to you..


Thought: beware of your possessions since they will end-up possessing you.